
Entrepreneurs Journey was a radio show which ran for three seasons from March 2020 to November 2022. Each program explored key points on the Entrepreneurs Journey from concept to successful startup. In each program we hear from an established and successful entrepreneur about their particular journey. We also have a guest who is a specialist in the topic at hand, plus we spotlight some featured startups.
To mark the end of season three of the progam, we take a look back at just a few of the many highlights that co-hosts John Burkett and Sharyn Doolan have had the pleasure of bringing to you. It was really hard to select extracts from 29 programs and some 53 hours of talking to such a superb line up of guests. But we eventually managed to get it down to just 14 pearls of wisdom covering a range of topics and issues that arise on the Entrepreneurial Journey.
Colin Kinner – What statups need to do to understand their market and test it.
Mike O’Hagan – Tells the story of how he founded Mini Movers.
Llew Jury – Why your MVP and speed to market is important.
Marten Jagers – On the importance of getting the right people around you.
Lindy Chen – Thinking of the Entrepreneur as a Business Scientist.
Joe Barnewall – On the importance of knowing your Why.
Craig Charlton – Talking about their experience of getting their product patented.
Mark Metzeling – On the common errors he see startups making in relation to Intellectual Property.
Ian Parke – On the importance of understanding numbers.
Vu Tran – On the role and importance of sales and why being a good salesperson is like being a good doctor.
Mark Jones – What is Digital Marketing.
Piers Cockram – Exiting and how it relates to the Founders Why.
Steve Baxter – The best ways for Startups to get funded.
Simon Horne – What are the essential elements that need to be in a pitch.
On this last show John and Sharyn are also joined by Startup Mentor and Innovation Advisor, Kellie Dyer.